ERP is offered in-person and online for those located in North Carolina.

Exposure Response Prevention, also known as ERP, is an effective form of treatment for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD).

Person with a sponge washing a window seal.

The core concepts of ERP.

  1. Identifying Triggers: You will work on figuring out which specific situations or thoughts make your anxiety worse.

  2. Building coping skills: Before any exposure exercise, you will learn how to better cope with anxiety and stress.

  3. Exposure: You are gradually exposed to the things or situations that are causing your obsessions. We will start with milder triggers and work our way up. The exposure can be real (experiencing the situation directly) or imagined (visualizing the feared situation).

  4. Response Prevention: During an exposure, you are encouraged to resist the urge to engage in a compulsion or ritual. For example, if you have a fear of germs and compulsively wash your hands, you may be asked to touch something you consider dirty and then hold back from washing your hands.

  5. Repetition: ERP therapy sessions often involve repeated exposure to the feared situations or thoughts. Research shows that these methods are highly effective (aka they work) in breaking the obsessive-compulsive cycle.

Picture of little girl washing hands.
Picture of a lightswitch.

How ERP is different from talk therapy

ERP allows you to face your fears in a controlled, supported environment. We are doing more than talking about your fears. ERP is used for: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Panic Disorders, and Social Anxiety Disorder.

Your intrusive thoughts already make you uncomfortable,
so why not try ocd therapy for long-term gains?